Can I Wear Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye Together?

lazuli crystals

Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye are two popular gemstones that have been used for centuries for their aesthetic and healing properties. Lapis Lazuli is a deep blue gemstone with golden flecks, while Tiger Eye is a brownish-yellow stone with a silky luster. In recent years, the trend of wearing Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye together has gained popularity, but many people wonder if it is acceptable to wear them together. In this post, we will explore the healing properties, aesthetics, and practical tips for wearing Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye together.

The Healing Properties of Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye

Before diving into the aesthetics of wearing Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye together, it’s important to understand the healing properties of these gemstones.

Properties of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli has been used for centuries for its spiritual and healing properties. It is believed to enhance communication, stimulate the mind, and promote self-awareness. It is also known to help with stress, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, Lapis Lazuli is associated with the throat chakra, which is responsible for communication and self-expression.

Properties of Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye is known for its grounding and stabilizing properties. It is believed to help with focus, concentration, and decision-making. It is also associated with the root chakra, which is responsible for grounding and stability. Tiger Eye is often used by people who want to overcome their fears and achieve their goals.

Possible Synergistic Effects

While Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye have different healing properties, there may be some synergistic effects when worn together. For example, Lapis Lazuli’s communication-enhancing properties may complement Tiger Eye’s focus-enhancing properties, resulting in better decision-making and communication. Additionally, both stones are associated with chakras, which may result in a more balanced and aligned energy field.

The Aesthetics of Wearing Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye Together

Aside from their healing properties,According to Wholesale Jewellery experts said, Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye are also popular for their aesthetics. When worn together, they can create a unique and eye-catching look.

Color and Contrast

Lapis Lazuli’s deep blue color and golden flecks create a beautiful contrast when paired with Tiger Eye’s brownish-yellow color and silky luster. This contrast can be used to create a bold and striking look, especially when paired with neutral colors like black or white.

Compatibility with Other Accessories and Clothing

When wearing Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye together, it’s important to consider the other accessories and clothing being worn. These gemstones pair well with silver or gold jewelry, and can be worn with both casual and formal clothing. Additionally, Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye can complement other gemstones, such as Amethyst or Rose Quartz, to create a more complex and layered look.

Cultural and Fashion Influences

Wearing Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye together has been popular in many cultures for centuries. In Ancient Egypt, Lapis Lazuli was highly prized and was often used in jewelry and other decorative items. In modern times, Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye have become popular in bohemian and spiritual fashion trends, reflecting a desire for a more natural and holistic approach to fashion and lifestyle.

Practical Tips for Wearing Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye Together

While wearing Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye together can create a beautiful and unique look, it’s important to follow some practical tips to ensure that the combination is appropriate for the occasion and your personal style.

Choose the Right Pieces

When wearing Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye together, it’s important to choose pieces that complement each other. For example, a Lapis Lazuli necklace with a Tiger Eye pendant can create a cohesive look, or a Tiger Eye bracelet paired with Lapis Lazuli earrings can create a balanced look. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you.

Consider the Occasion

While Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye can be worn for any occasion, it’s important to consider the formality of the event. For example, a bold Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye necklace may be too flashy for a conservative business meeting, but would be appropriate for a night out or a festival. Additionally, consider the color scheme of your outfit and choose pieces that complement or contrast with the colors you are wearing.

Personal Style and Preference

Ultimately, the most important factor in wearing Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye together is your personal style and preference. Choose pieces that make you feel confident and comfortable, and experiment with different combinations until you find what works for you.


Wearing wholesale Lapis Lazuli jewelry and Tiger Eye together can create a beautiful and unique look, while also providing potential synergistic healing properties. When pairing these gemstones, consider the healing properties, aesthetics, and practical tips to ensure that the combination is appropriate for the occasion and your personal style. Whether you choose to wear Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye together for their healing properties or simply for their aesthetic appeal, the combination is sure to make a statement.