Morganite Hardness vs. Diamond: A Comparison


Gemstones are a popular choice for jewelry and come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Two of the most popular gemstones for engagement rings and other jewelry are morganite and diamond. While both stones are beautiful in their own right, there are some differences between them, including their hardness.

What is Hardness?

Hardness is a measure of a mineral’s resistance to scratching. It is determined by the strength of the bonds between atoms in the mineral’s crystal structure. The harder the mineral, the more difficult it is to scratch. The scale used to measure hardness is called the Mohs scale, named after Friedrich Mohs, a German mineralogist who developed the scale in 1812.

The Mohs Scale of Hardness

The Mohs scale is a relative scale that measures the scratch resistance of minerals. The scale ranges from 1 to 10, with 1 being the softest mineral (talc) and 10 being the hardest mineral (diamond). Each mineral on the scale is assigned a number based on its scratch resistance. For example, a mineral with a hardness of 5 can scratch all minerals with a hardness of 4 or less, but can be scratched by minerals with a hardness of 6 or greater.

Morganite Hardness

Morganite is a pink to peach-colored gemstone that belongs to the beryl family of minerals. It is typically found in Brazil, Madagascar, and Mozambique. Morganite has a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale, making it a relatively hard gemstone. This means that it is more scratch-resistant than most other popular gemstones, such as aquamarine (7.5 to 8) and emerald (7.5 to 8).

Diamond Hardness

Diamond is the hardest mineral on the Mohs scale, with a hardness of 10. It is made up of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice structure, which makes it incredibly strong and durable. This is why diamond is often used for engagement rings and other jewelry that will be worn daily.

Morganite vs. Diamond Hardness Comparison

While morganite is a relatively hard gemstone, it is not as hard as diamond. Diamond’s hardness makes it incredibly scratch-resistant, which is why it is often chosen for engagement rings and other jewelry that will be worn daily. Morganite, on the other hand, may not be the best choice for everyday wear if you lead an active lifestyle or work with your hands frequently.

However, there are some advantages to choosing morganite over diamond. For one, morganite is more affordable than diamond. It is also a beautiful and unique gemstone that is available in a range of colors, from pale pink to peach to deeper shades of pink and orange.

When deciding between morganite and diamond, it is important to consider your lifestyle and what kind of jewelry you will be wearing. If you are looking for an engagement ring or other jewelry that will be worn daily, diamond may be the better choice due to its durability and scratch resistance. However, if you are looking for a beautiful and unique gemstone that is more affordable than diamond, morganite may be the way to go.


Both morganite and diamond are beautiful gemstones that are popular choices for jewelry. While diamond is the harder and more durable of the two, morganite is a more affordable and unique option. When deciding between the two, it is important to consider your lifestyle and what kind of jewelry you will be wearing. Ultimately, the choice between morganite and diamond comes down to personal preference and what is most important to you.